ishigaki 1おいくら、という一括お見積りサイトでこちらを見つけ、 童夢リサイクルさんにiPhone15 pro maxやその他機器類の買取、 その1週間後に不用品回収をお願いしました。 鈴木さんは、 とても優れた人間性を持つお優...おいくら、という一括お見積りサイトでこちらを見つけ、
童夢リサイクルさんにiPhone15 pro maxやその他機器類の買取、
2階 かつ 立地が悪い中、
(2階 かつ 1万5000円というだったので、手伝いたかったです笑)
(Translated by Google)
I found this on a bulk quote site called Oikura.
Purchase of iPhone15 pro max and other devices from Domu Recycling,
A week later, I asked for the unwanted items to be collected.
Mr. Suzuki is
He is a kind person with a very good humanity.
While there are many companies that work without looking at people,
He is a wonderful person who looks after people and does his work.
I felt very kind in their response and consideration for me.
(However, I was more shy and had a hard time talking to people, so I think he gave the impression that I was a little unfriendly.)
Sorry lol)
Collection of unnecessary items is
There was a refrigerator, washing machine, bed, TV, dumbbells, and many other things.
I was surprised because it was over so quickly.
On the second floor and in a bad location,
I can't thank you enough for accepting the offer for the unprecedented amount of 15,000 yen.
We would be happy if the items we collected could be of some benefit to both of you.
Mr. Suzuki and his wife, thank you very much for carrying the heavy items from the second floor.
I could clearly see that you take responsibility and pride in your work.
Thank you very much for this time!
(It was on the second floor and cost 15,000 yen, so I wanted to help lol)
thank you very much. -
Inoue引越しのため、ダイニングテーブル、洗濯機、冷蔵庫の引き取りを依頼しました。 県外からにも関わらず対応していただき、本当に助かりました。代表の方お一人でしたが、20分くらいの作業時間で終了したので驚きま...引越しのため、ダイニングテーブル、洗濯機、冷蔵庫の引き取りを依頼しました。
(Translated by Google)
I requested that my dining table, washing machine, and refrigerator be picked up as I was moving.
Even though I was from outside the prefecture, I was able to respond and it was really helpful. Although there was only one representative, I was surprised that the work was completed in about 20 minutes. lol
I would like to work with you again if I have another chance. -
歯車ちゃんねる引越しの際に家電、家具その他諸々引き取っていただきました! 迅速かつ丁寧で全てが早い!! また、利用させていただきます!! (Translated by Google) When we moved, we took home appliances, furniture, a...引越しの際に家電、家具その他諸々引き取っていただきました!
(Translated by Google)
When we moved, we took home appliances, furniture, and more!
Everything is quick, courteous, and fast! !
I will use it again! ! -
cラキ家具家電の片付けをお願いしたく口コミを拝見した所、こちらのコメントがとても良かったので依頼しました。 実際来ていただいた方もとても気さくで話しやすく、予定にないものもお値段変わらず引き取っていただけ...家具家電の片付けをお願いしたく口コミを拝見した所、こちらのコメントがとても良かったので依頼しました。
(Translated by Google)
I looked at the reviews to ask them to clean up my furniture and appliances, and the comments here were very positive, so I asked them to do so.
The person who actually came was very friendly and easy to talk to, and even if it wasn't in the plan, they were able to pick it up at the same price.
I would like to use them again in the future if I need anything. -
前田啓太役所が推奨してた一括見積もりサイトからこちらにお願いしました。 他社の口コミの中には金額を付けてから作業後に費用の請求があるといった実状も多いなか、明朗会計かつ作業も迅速でした。 単身者家電一式で1万...役所が推奨してた一括見積もりサイトからこちらにお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I requested this from a bulk quote site that was recommended by the government office.
Although there are many reviews from other companies that say that they will charge you after the work has been completed, the accounting was clear and the work was done quickly.
We received a discount on a set of home appliances for a single person with a price tag of 10,000 yen. -
(Translated by Google)
They carried out large pieces of furniture (sofa, workbench, etc.) quickly and did a thorough job. They also took away my stove as part of the service, and I was able to dispose of some home appliances that I was having trouble with, which was very helpful. The representative, Mr. Suzuki, was very kind, polite, and personable. I was glad to have such a good company in our area because they took away the furniture, appliances, and trash that I was having trouble with for 15,000 yen per Hiace. This is a company I would definitely recommend. thank you very much! ! -
山崎貴大引っ越しのため利用させていただきました。 日程や時間などこちらの希望を聞いてくださり対応してもらい助かりました。 金額も事前にご提示いただき、安心して依頼できました。 また機会があったらお願いしたいで...引っ越しのため利用させていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I used it for moving.
They listened to my wishes regarding dates and times, and were very helpful.
The price was also shown to me in advance, so I was able to make the request with confidence.
I would like to use it again if I have a chance! -
雨宮「おいくら?」という不用品回収サービスのサイトを利用してこちらの業者さんにやっていただきました。 回収していただいたのは、2人掛けソファと6段カラーボックス、シングルベッド、シングルベッドマット、PCデ...「おいくら?」という不用品回収サービスのサイトを利用してこちらの業者さんにやっていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
I used a site called ``Oikura?'', which provides a collection service for unwanted items, and had this company do it for me.
The items collected were a two-seater sofa, a six-tiered color box, a single bed, a single bed mat, a PC desk, and a low table.
It was a very short notice request that I contacted them yesterday and asked them to come today, but they were very friendly and explained things to me in detail, and I was very satisfied with the result.
I have never heard of unscrupulous companies that would charge double the cost or do an arbitrary appraisal and take it to you.
Also, I asked them to dismantle a large cat tower and a heavy bookshelf that I was unable to dismantle myself because I was moving, and they kindly agreed to do so.
I was really grateful because there was nothing I could do about this dismantling.
All in all, it was completed quickly in about an hour.
Also, I feel that everything was made possible by the goodwill and consideration of the representative, and I wish they would have accepted the payment with their sincere apologies and feelings (;_;)
I am truly grateful.
Please let me use you again if I have a chance.
Thank you very much for this time. -
(Translated by Google)
The collection fee was reasonable, they came on time, and they were also able to collect the luggage that had suddenly increased, which was very helpful. My mother and I are very grateful to Mr. Suzuki for speaking so kindly with us. I would like to use it again. -
toshikazu fukami非常に迅速丁寧に作業していただけました。担当の方のお人柄もよく好印象でした。値段も非常にリーズナブルでしたのでまた機会があれば頼みたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) They worked very quickly a...非常に迅速丁寧に作業していただけました。担当の方のお人柄もよく好印象でした。値段も非常にリーズナブルでしたのでまた機会があれば頼みたいと思います。
(Translated by Google)
They worked very quickly and carefully. I was also very impressed with the personality of the person in charge. The price was also very reasonable, so I would order them again if I had the chance. -
Y Tまだ開業し始めたばかりとの事ですが、非常に丁寧な対応をして頂き、満足です。 また機会があれば、ぜひお願いしたいと思います。 (Translated by Google) Although they have just started opening, I am satis...まだ開業し始めたばかりとの事ですが、非常に丁寧な対応をして頂き、満足です。
(Translated by Google)
Although they have just started opening, I am satisfied with the very courteous service they provided.
If I have the opportunity, I would definitely like to work with you again. -
近藤真呼他の業者さんと比較してとても安く回収していたいだいてとても満足できました。ありがとうござました!次も機会があればぜひお願いしたいです。 (Translated by Google) I was very satisfied with the cost as ...他の業者さんと比較してとても安く回収していたいだいてとても満足できました。ありがとうござました!次も機会があればぜひお願いしたいです。
(Translated by Google)
I was very satisfied with the cost as it was very cheap compared to other companies. Thank you very much! If I have another opportunity, I would definitely like to work with you again. -
武吉実家の建替えの片付けで童夢さんにお世話になりました。 出張買取・回収の利用は初めてだったので不安でしたが結果的に童夢さんにお願いして大変良かったです。 実家には剥製やピアノなど、どうして良いか分から...実家の建替えの片付けで童夢さんにお世話になりました。
(Translated by Google)
I was indebted to Mr. Dome when cleaning up my parents' house while it was being rebuilt.
It was my first time using an on-site purchase and collection service, so I was a little nervous, but in the end I'm very glad I asked Domu.
There were things in my parents' house that I didn't know what to do with, such as stuffed animals and a piano, but they arranged for the piano to be collected and the stuffed animals were collected, which was very helpful.
Two brothers came to collect the items, and they were very close and seemed to be having fun working together. They were both very nice people.
I have already made a reservation for the next time (lol), so thank you very much! ️ -
y t引っ越しで不要になった家具家電をまとめて引き取っていただきました。 問い合わせの時から対応が丁寧で、とても安心してお願いできました。 暑い中の作業も丁寧でとても助かりました。 また機会がありましたらよ...引っ越しで不要になった家具家電をまとめて引き取っていただきました。
(Translated by Google)
We collected all the furniture and appliances that we no longer needed after moving.
From the moment I contacted them, they were very responsive and made me feel at ease.
They were very polite and helpful even in the hot weather.
I look forward to working with you again if you have the opportunity. -
Y N色々なリサイクルショップとやり取りをした中で口コミを参考にこちらにお願いすることにしました。結果、大正解でした! 初めから終わりまでとても丁寧にやり取りしてくださいました。本も一つ一つ値段を検索して...色々なリサイクルショップとやり取りをした中で口コミを参考にこちらにお願いすることにしました。結果、大正解でした!
初めから終わりまでとても丁寧にやり取りしてくださいました。本も一つ一つ値段を検索してくださったのには驚きで、娘のぬいぐるみ含め細々したものもまで引き取ってくださいました。お二人の雰囲気もとても良く、査定の間のおしゃべりも楽しかったです♪ この後、親戚や友人にも薦めたいと思います。
(Translated by Google)
After communicating with various thrift shops, I decided to go here based on the reviews. As a result, I got it right!
They were very thorough in their communication from beginning to end. I was surprised that they searched the price of each book, and even took away small items including my daughter's stuffed animal. The atmosphere between the two of them was very nice, and we had fun chatting during the appraisal♪ After this, I would like to recommend you to my relatives and friends. -
とっつん【動画編集者】丁寧に対応していただけてよかったです (Translated by Google) I'm glad you were able to respond politely.丁寧に対応していただけてよかったです
(Translated by Google)
I'm glad you were able to respond politely. -
外山武丁寧に対応していただけてよかったです (Translated by Google) I'm glad you were able to respond politely.丁寧に対応していただけてよかったです
(Translated by Google)
I'm glad you were able to respond politely. -
ぐぐるぐる亡くなった父が集めていた骨董品の買取をお願いしました。 割と数が多く、対応して頂けるか不安でしたが、快く引き受けて下さいました。 電話やメールの対応も丁寧で、親切でした。 実際に来て頂くと、爽やかな笑...亡くなった父が集めていた骨董品の買取をお願いしました。
(Translated by Google)
I asked him to purchase some antiques that my late father had collected.
I was worried about whether they would be able to accommodate the large number of requests, but they gladly accepted.
They were polite and kind when responding to calls and emails.
When I actually visited the company, I got a good impression of the company with its refreshing smile.
Not only did they buy all the antiques that I requested, they also took away small items that I was unsure about disposing of for free.
He was serious about his work, and his sincere personality was evident. He is a very reliable company.
After quitting his job, he started repairing and buying motorcycles as a hobby, and since he wanted to do the same thing, he has also started buying used items.
He's a person you want to support based on his personality, so I'd like to see him succeed in this industry!
If I have another chance, I will not hesitate to
I would like to ask Domu Recycling!
Thank you very much for your time. -
ダイヤモンド不愉快仕事の忙しい方にも時間を合わせてくれる。夜間で対応。 基本なんでも引き取ってくれます。 親切な対応してくれるので、お困りなら相談する価値ありです。 (Translated by Google) It also makes time for peopl...仕事の忙しい方にも時間を合わせてくれる。夜間で対応。
(Translated by Google)
It also makes time for people who are busy with work. Available at night.
They'll take care of basically anything.
They will respond kindly, so if you have any problems, it is worth consulting with them. -
順電話対応から気持ち良く対応して頂き、詳しく説明してもらい安心してお願いできました。心こもった作業して頂き頼んで大正解でした!必ずまたお願いします! (Translated by Google) I was made to feel comfort...電話対応から気持ち良く対応して頂き、詳しく説明してもらい安心してお願いできました。心こもった作業して頂き頼んで大正解でした!必ずまたお願いします!
(Translated by Google)
I was made to feel comfortable on the phone and was given detailed explanations that made me feel at ease. Thank you for your heartfelt work and it was a great decision! Please definitely come again! -
am ZRX今回、不要になったものをどうしょうかと。捨ててしまうのはもったいないと思い初めてリサイクルに。迅速かつ丁寧な対応、振り込みもスピーディーで大満足でした。また、利用したいと思います。 (Translated by ...今回、不要になったものをどうしょうかと。捨ててしまうのはもったいないと思い初めてリサイクルに。迅速かつ丁寧な対応、振り込みもスピーディーで大満足でした。また、利用したいと思います。
(Translated by Google)
What should I do with the things I no longer need? I decided to recycle it for the first time because I thought it would be a waste to throw it away. I was very satisfied with the prompt and courteous response and speedy transfer. I would like to use it again. -
斎藤司この度は出張買取ありがとうございます。 色んなものを気持ちよく買取していただきこちらも助かりました! 今度はお店に遊びに行きたいと思います! (Translated by Google) Thank you for purchasing this busi...この度は出張買取ありがとうございます。
(Translated by Google)
Thank you for purchasing this business trip.
I was able to buy various things comfortably and was very helpful!
I would like to go to the store next time! -
陸軍部隊AK 47初めて、利用させてもらいました。電話対応も、丁寧で、良かったです。又、利用為たいと思いました。有り難うございます。 (Translated by Google) This was my first time using it. Telephone support was als...初めて、利用させてもらいました。電話対応も、丁寧で、良かったです。又、利用為たいと思いました。有り難うございます。
(Translated by Google)
This was my first time using it. Telephone support was also polite and good. I wanted to use it again. Thank you very much. -
平野充孝自分で引っ越しを試みて 運ぶにも処分するにも 大掛かりで困ったものがあり どうしたらよいかと 途方にくれていたところ 童夢さんと今回ご縁があり お力添えいただきました。 社長は大変朗らか明瞭な方で とても...自分で引っ越しを試みて
(Translated by Google)
Attempt to move by yourself
For transportation and disposal
I have a big problem.
What should I do?
I was at a loss
I have a connection with Domu-san this time.
Thank you for your help.
The president is a very cheerful and clear person.
We had a really fun time.
Be kind to me and understand my selfishness
Thank you for listening and responding in a variety of ways.
When it comes to the last minute
I was prepared to move out of the apartment.
We were able to significantly shorten the time
I'm really glad we had a relationship.
I am thinking.
The schedule for the next request has already been decided.
I'm looking forward to seeing you again!
If you have any troubles next time or after that, I will be the first to consult with you, so please feel free to contact me! -
どんちゃん急な依頼にも関わらず、すぐ駆け付けてくれました! 売れるか悩んでたところ相談にも聞いてくれたので、わからなくても気軽に依頼できます! (Translated by Google) Even though it was a sudden request, they...急な依頼にも関わらず、すぐ駆け付けてくれました!
(Translated by Google)
Even though it was a sudden request, they came to us right away!
When I was wondering if I could sell it, they also asked me for advice, so even if I don't know, I can feel free to ask! -
(Translated by Google)
We asked them to buy unwanted items and collect bulky garbage. I got a very good deal! When I asked for a quote, I received a phone call immediately and received a friendly response. I am very satisfied with the work done so efficiently. thank you very much!